Empowering People!

Chocolate Girl Power!® is an online boutique for unique one-of-a-kind wearable art, creative gifts, and beauty products that makes a powerful lifestyle statement. Each product is infused with an incredibly sweet and powerful vibe that reminds the wearer they are beautiful and have the power to become the best of who they are, authentically.


Never let any1 tell YOU who YOU are. Recognize the infinite POWER you have within—POWER WE ALL HAVE—and be that YOU! Unapologetically, Chocolate Girl Power!®

Online Store for

Unique Wearable Art

It all started with my grandmothers. Both of my grandmothers (Nanny and Gramma) were extremely artistic and talented. Each taught me how to create using a variety of media, starting when I was in kindergarten and could barely hold knitting and crochet needles. By the second grade, I was knitting and crocheting ponchos, shawls, and hats, creating beautiful and professional jewelry. I made pieces mostly for my mom, who wore them proudly to her job at the bank. Once her colleagues, customers, and friends found out I had made her pieces, they were absolutely amazed, and the orders started pouring in. Thus, my business, Chocolate Girl Power!®, was born.

I’ve maintained my business throughout the years but scaled back to focus on my schooling and career, narrowing my focus to creating custom orders for individuals, weddings, and high-end boutiques. Now, as a retired principal, I’m on a mission to renew and completely fulfill my creative purpose and inspire people of all ages to do the same—fulfill every aspect of your life’s purpose because it’s never too late.

Sydney Ritchey-Burnett, EdD
Chocolate Girl Power!®

Feel Special, Unique, and Empowered

Chocolate Girl Power!® is being unapologetic about being completely yourself—not shrinking, but exploding and unleashing all of what makes you unique and beautiful. The power is within, and we ALL have it, but we need to realize it and go confidently in it; while not abusing it. This is what Chocolate Girl Power!® wants and knows to be true for ALL people.

Energies of Love & Strength

CGP! means being empowered to release all of your gifts and talents and being proud of who you are and all you aspire to become. It’s a movement. It’s Black Girl Magic realized and manifested!

Chocolate Girl Power